Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools that help you gain insights from your data. The suite brings together familiar operations from well-known products—including Excel, Access, Power Query, and Power Pivot—to help you to quickly move the basics and on to comprehensive analysis.

Power BI Introduction: Inside Power BI

Course Code: ITD10 | Duration: 1 Day | Level: Introduction

Throughout this course we'll show you how you can easily create visualisations that will help your team and your organisation understand data that you're already collecting. Power BI is a set of tools including the Power BI service, Power BI desktop, Power BI mobile, and other components. We will begin with the web based Power BI service. We'll get data, create charts, and other visualisations. And arrange those visualisations into shareable reports. We'll also create dashboards, and use Power BI's Q and A feature to ask questions about our data. We'll take a look at the Power BI for mobile apps and see how we can use them to view and share reports and dashboards that we've created. Finally, we'll show you how to create your own data models using Power BI desktop. Power BI helps you model, visualise, and share insights. Learning Power BI will give you an edge over other people who are trying to analyse data using tools that are less powerful or less collaborative.

    Course Requirements

  • No previous experience of Microsoft Power BI is required however the delegate should have knowledge in basic computer skills i.e. how to use a mouse and keyboard.

  • Course Content

  • Get Data
  • Create a Report with Visualisation
  • Modify and Print a Report
  • Create a Dashboard
  • Ask Questions about your Data
  • Share Data With Colleagues and Others
  • Use Power BI Mobile Apps
  • Use Power BI Desktop
  • Problem Solving Workshops
  • Question and Answers

Microsoft Power BI Advanced:

Course Code: ITD11 | Duration: 1 Day | Level: Advanced

During the advanced course we will guide you through the advanced capabilities of the service. Showing you how to work with calculations, leverage the DAX language, create advanced queries, and use the M language to improve the querying process.

    Course Requirements

  • The delegate needs to have attended the previous stage of the Power BI course at Pringle PCS or at least, have the equivalent working knowledge.

  • Course Content

  • How the Power BI Platform Works
  • Working with Data
  • Query Editor
  • DAX Language
  • Introduction to DAX Formulas
  • Advanced DAX Calculations
  • Graphing and Dashboard Design
  • Problem Solving Workshops
  • Question and Answers


This training is given exclusively for your company only either here at PCS or at your own premises. (Evening and weekend dates are also available on request)

All training courses can be tailored using own company data or reslove specific probelms which staff may have to face. With all besopke training topics can be taken and combined from differnt stages or combine more than one course together


As you know, losing a whole day to training can prove to be an expensive investment. An individual may not need a full day's training if there are only a few elements of a program they really need to know or simply that they need refreshing on basic skills and are too embarrassed to say - we have a solution to the problem – Our IT Surgery!

We have IT Masters who can teach and consult to the highest level and provide solutions for any IT working problem. With these skills and experience to draw on, we have created a unique service whereby your employees can receive specific, individual training without the loss of a full working day.

We can turn one of your rooms into an ‘IT surgery' where employees can turn-up for scheduled appointments or we can move round Desk to Desk to help teach and solve problems with in your organisation


Our experienced IT Training team will circulate amongst your employees and identify from each member of staff what their particular IT problems and needs are. Our team will quickly evaluate the time needed for the IT Master to show and teach the appropriate tasks on the surgery day


Our IT Master will be based on-site in any available room awaiting IT problems or training requirements. On-site Training hours can be structured to fit your business operation, Our training surgery day is a 6 hour day but the start time can be flexible to suite your company working hours i.e. Surgery Day can start at 7.30am or stay open to 7.30pm if required. This unique service is the most efficient way for your company to train and increase productivity whilst keeping your training costs and lost time to an absolute minimum.

Online Live Training

All Of PCS Training Course can now be taught remotely from your office or even from home. Pringle PCS will give you Log in details which will allow you or your team to join the Live Training Session.

Training Requirments

With all live online training PCS will give a free 30 minutes setup and test to show how the remote learning will work. We test Internet speed, connection and show how easliy it is to join the live trainig.
Every delegate would need to have a working Camera and Micpohone to be able to interacte with the class. With Live Online Training Pringle PCS stronlgy recommed having Duel Screens or access to Tablet.

Company Classroom and 1-1

Live Online Training can be taught 1-1 or upto a classroom of 8 and all courses can be tailored to own company requirments


A Live Online Training schedule session is in total upto 6 hours of Training with added Breaks.


IT & Business Skills Scheduled Courses

All Scheduled courses are held at Pringle PCS Training & Conference Centre.

IT & Business Skills Scheduled Courses
Online Single Booking
Per Person
Online Additional / Subsequent Delegate Booking On The Same Day Scheduled Online Course
Per Person
Single Booking Scheduled Course at Skywalker House
Per Person
At Skywalker House Additional / Subsequent Delegate Booking On The Same Day Scheduled at Skywalker House
Online One To One
One To One: Client Site or Skywalker House

IT & Business Skills Company Classroom

This training is given exclusively for your company only, either here at PCS or at your own premises. (Evening and weekend dates are also available on request).

Company Classroom Standard & Premium
Individual Days: Online (Max 8 Delegates:)
Individual Days: PCS Or Client Site (Max 8 Delegates)
Individual Days: PCS Or Client Site (Max 12 Delegates)
Bespoke IT & Business Skills Course |Team Building | Surgery On-site at Client’s Premises
Computer Hire and Setup
Per PC
Bespoke Database Development On-site at Client’s Premises

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